You never thought it would come to this, but you've broken up and you're self confidence is wounded and you're heart is shattered.  All you can think about is how to get your ex boyfriend back and make the world right again. 

Everyone has gone through the same thing at some point.  The important thing is to take the time to get your head on straight before you even think about how to get your ex boyfriend back.

Do some thinking about your relationship and assess it as objectively as possible.   Think about what caused the split and is there enough left to give it another try? 

Clearly, if there was abuse of any kind or serious wrongs committed, you may not truly want that relationship back once you've thought about it. 

But if you see a pattern of small things that just built up because the two of you hadn't dealt with them properly, then you may be able to see how you could move past the circumstances to renew the relationship.

The main thing, if you're trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back, is not to say anything until you can say the right thing.  You may need some time apart especially if your breakup was unfriendly.  Sometimes both people need a calming down period to allow the pain to go away before they can move on. 

The main thing is not to keep ringing his phone or trying to make contact of any kind when he's not ready to talk with you yet.  That is a clear signal that he is still in the no contact stage and you need to back off and let him have that time.

Don't stay home and think about him all the time during this stage, however.  It's important to let him see that you can survive even without him.  Take care of how you look, and even put in a little extra effort.   You will not only attract him, when he lays eyes on you, but you will also allow for mutual friends and acquaintances to speak of you pleasantly to him.  It is human nature, people act like that.  Friends have come to think of you two as a single unit so naturally mention you when they see him.  You want them to be saying how wonderful you look and how strong you seem to be.

When you do finally see him, don't pay too much attention to him.  That may seem counter-intuitive but it really does work.  Men prefer to seek rather than be sought.  Be friendly and polite but don't start flirting or hanging on his every word.  Instead, let him see you as the strong, confident woman that he fell in love with.  There is a chance that he will question himself why in the world he let you go.

Down the road, you can gradually begin to work out a scenario as to how to get your ex boyfriend back. Just take things slow.   You want to let him have the chance to miss you and realize how much better his life was with you in it.   Once this happens, your well on your way to getting your ex boyfriend back cause he'll be chasing after you.

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